Accounting account (sales) in the product card

Created: 2017-03-16
Last updated: 2024-01-29

In the product card, you can add additional information regarding the product. There is an option to specify the type of product or supplier code to it. The system also allows you to add an accounting code to the product. From this article, you will learn where you can enter the product accounting account (sales) in the product card.

Accounting account (sales)

To add the accounting account (sales) to a product:

1. Go to the product card by creating a new product or editing an existing one in the product database, 
2. Expand the See more options tab (or Hide additional options if already expanded), 

3. At the bottom of the form, find and fill in the field labeled Accounting account (sales), 

4. Confirm the changes by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page.

The accounting code entered in the Accounting account (sales) field will be exported to certain accounting programs.

Also, check:

  1. Default product quantity
  2. Product as a service
  3. Products - creating tags and filtering by tags

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