
Product as a service

Last updated: 2024-01-26

The sale of services in our program is done as follows:

First, create a product/service in the system by clicking on the Warehouse/Products > Products> Add new product.

Enter basic product data, such as: name, net price, VAT, currency.

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You can change the product to the service by entering the tab See more options and checking the Service box. Please pay attention to the message “Services cannot be limited in quantity. Warehouse documents will not be issued for them”.

When selling such a service together with another product on one invoice, the warehouse document created for this invoice will contain only information about the product (the service will not be indicated on the RG document).

Due to the fact that the service is no longer a product, whose prices and stock are entered in a warehouse document, there is also a form for entering net and gross prices of purchase in case that your service is provided by another company acting as a subcontractor, for example, when we commission another company for the transportation of your goods.

After creating such a service, the service card looks as follows:

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Next to the name of the service you will see a stamp in the form of a “maple leaf” (each service will have such a marking).

You can see that the service card no longer contains data related to stock sales, as in the case with normal products. However, the number of services sold is displayed in the Sold column.

When you select a service on the invoice, it does not contain any indication of the stock quantity in square brackets.

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