
Account blocked despite paid subscription

Last updated: 2021-11-09

It may happen that if you have paid for the subscription plan in InvoiceOcean and you are logged in to your account, when browsing the price list, you accidentally choose a different plan than the one you have paid for. It is also possible to change it from your account in Settings> Account settings> Change account type.

Then the program will take you to the Payment page.

Payment change

If you want to continue using your account in InvoiceOcean, without paying the subscription you mistakenly chose, please pay attention to the text below: “Reminder: you still have ‘Basic’ plan paid. You can change back to it by licking HERE”.

blockade information

By clicking as instructed, you bring your paid package back and your account will be unlocked immediately.

You can also go to Settings> Account Settings and follow the same steps as above> click HERE.

blockade information 2



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