Invoices and documents

Bill invoice

Last updated: 2023-11-30

Every entrepreneur is obliged to document the sale of goods and/or services. If the business owner is a VAT taxpayer, then they should issue invoices. Other entrepreneurs who are not VAT-registered, so-called "non-vat payers," are required to issue an invoice or a receipt for the sale (Bill) of their products or services. Both of these documents look very similar, but the Bill does not specify the VAT rate

How to issue a Bill in


In InvoiceOcean, it is possible to issue the document Bill (Invoice).

To take advantage of this option, it needs to be activated in the system beforehand. To do this, choose Settings > Account Settings > Your account. In the section Additional documents to issue, check the checkbox next to Bill,  and then confirm the changes by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page.



After saving the changes, you can now issue such a document in the system. Go to Income > Bills > Add new bill



What data should the Bill (invoice) contain?

A Bill invoice should contain:

  1. Number and issuance date;
  2. Seller's / Service provider's details and address;
  3. Buyer's / Service recipient's details and address;
  4. Description of the goods and quantities, or services rendered along with the unit price;
  5. Total amount due



Taxpayers from whom a Bill (invoice) has been requested before the service is performed or the goods are delivered shall issue the Bill invoice no later than 7 days from the date of performing the service or delivering the goods. If the request for a Bill invoice is made after this, the Bill must be issued within 7 days from the date of the request. The taxpayer is not obliged to issue a Bill if the request is made more than 3 months after the date of delivering the goods or performing the service





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