Default tax rate on department documents

Created: 2023-12-07
Last updated: 2024-01-19

Post view count: 168

Departments created within an account can have separate settings. It is possible to set a different template for invoices, company logo, or a separate document numbering. Department settings always take priority over the general account settings. Within a department, you can also set a default tax rate, which will be different from the rates used by other departments/companies. This article will guide you on where to set the default tax rate for documents issued within a specific department.

Default tax rate on department documents

To set the default tax rate for a department:

1. Go to the Settings > Company/department tab.
2. On the list of departments, click on the name of the department you want to edit, or click on the gear icon and choose Edit - the system will take you to the editing form.

3. Scroll down the form to go to the Documents section,
4. In the Default tax rate on documents from this department field, you can add your own by using More..

5. Confirm the changes by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page.

When issuing documents for a department that has a specified default rate, the system will automatically populate it in the document creation form.

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