
Created: 2023-12-08
Last updated: 2024-04-24

Post view count: 258

A receipt is an official document confirming a sales transaction and is issued by sellers. To generate a receipt, you need to have a cash register or fiscal printer and have and integration with InvoiceOcean.

Note! A receipt can be generated and saved without a dedicated fiscal device, for example, for educational or testing purposes, but in that case, it is not a accounting document, and such a document cannot be put into circulation, i.e., handed to the customer as a purchase confirmation. To give legal validity to a receipt, it must be fiscalized.

How to issue a receipt in the system?

If you want to issue receipts in InvoiceOcean, you must activate this type of document in the system. Go to the Settings tab > Account Settings > Your account. In the Additional documents to issue section, check the box next to Receipts, and then confirm the changes with the Save button at the bottom of the page.

To generate a receipt in the system, go to the Income tab > Receipts > Add new Receipt or use the + Receipt button on the main page of your account.

What does a properly issued receipt include?

A correctly issued receipt includes:

  1. Designation as RECEIPT;
  2. Document number;
  3. date of issue, and date of sale;
  4. Name of the goods or services;
  5. Quantity, price, and value of the sale of a particular product or service.


Note!  The receipt does not include personal data such as first and last name. If you provide this information, the document then becomes a personalized invoice.

For businesses that have more than one cash register, the receipt also includes the cash register number (for example, 1, 2, 3) and information about the cashier.

When to issue an invoice instead of a receipt?

You can issue an invoice instead of a receipt in two cases:

  1. When a private individual who made a purchase requests an invoice within 3 months, counting from the end of the month in which the sale was made or payment was received. In this case, the seller is obligated to issue an invoice based on the returned fiscal receipt, which serves as confirmation of the transaction.
  2. When the transaction involves a business entity – in this case, only if the receipt (for which the invoice is issued) contains the buyer's business Tax Identification Number (VAT ID).

Also, check: How to create an invoice based on a receipt in the system?

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