Invoices and documents

Add zeros after decimal point

Last updated: 2023-12-21

The account settings allow you to change the number of decimal places in prices and quantities of the product. In addition to the number of decimal places, you can also choose whether the system should automatically fill in the zeros according to the value specified in the settings if you provide fewer of them. This article will guide you on where you can enable or disable this option.

Add zeros after decimal point

To enable/disable automatic zero filling after the decimal point in the quantity of the product:

1. Go to Settings > Account Settings > Configuration > Ways of calculation.
2. In the field for the Number of decimal places in quantities, choose from the available options (the range is from 0 to a maximum of 5).

3. If you want the system to fill in with zeros the missing decimal places in quantities, check the box next to the option Add zeros after decimal point.

4. Confirm the changes with the Save button at the bottom of the page.

The active  Add zeros option will cause the quantity value on the saved document to display with zeros after the decimal point. The number of zeros will depend on the value specified in the Number of decimal places in quantities field.

For example, if the number of decimal places in quantities for a document is set to 3, after saving the document, this value will have three zeros added after the decimal point when printed.

Also, check:
Where to set the number of decimal places in prices and quantities of the product?



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