
Display the logo on warehouse documents

Last updated: 2023-12-27

The system, as part of document customization, allows you to display the company logo or additional seals on them. In addition to the logo visible on invoices created within the account, you can also display it on warehouse documents. This article will guide you on how to activate this feature in the system.

Display the logo on warehouse documents

To display the logo uploaded to the system on warehouse documents:

1. Go to Settings > Account Settings > Configuration > Warehouses.
2. Check the checkbox next to the option Display the logo on warehouse documents.

3. Confirm the changes by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page.

The system will use the logo visible on warehouse documents from the Settings > Account Settings > Print settings, unless the department for which the document was issued has its own logo assigned in the Settings > Company/department.

Below is an example of an invoice and a RG (Release of goods) document with the logo visible as uploaded in the account settings. The logo visible on the sample documents is for illustrative purposes only.

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