
More options on the client card - bank and account number

Last updated: 2024-03-12

When creating a client in the database, you have the opportunity to specify not only basic data such as name, Tax Identification Number (VAT ID) for companies, or address. In addition to this, as part of the more options, you can specify the type of client, set default discounts, terms, or payment methods. In this entry, you will learn where to enter the bank and account number of your contractor in the client's data.

More options on the client card - bank and account number

To add a bank and account number on the client card:

1. Go to the Clients tab and click on the name of the already created client to proceed to editing or create a new one.

2. In the See more options section (Hide additional options if already expanded), find the field for Bank and Account Number.


3. Complete these fields as well as any other sections that are important to you,
4. confirm the changes made or the creation of a new client by clicking the Save button.

The entered data (bank and account number) are additional options and will not be visible on the issued documents.


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