Invoice settings

Default invoice data

Last updated: 2021-11-09

When issuing a new invoice, we often fill in many fields with the same data. For example: payment type, due date, warehouse, etc.


In InvoiceOcean you can set that this data will be copied from the last invoice issued or from a selected invoice. This makes invoicing even faster.


Under Settings> Account Settings> Configuration> Remaining default settings in invoice issuance, you can set the default configuration that suits you best.

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The available options:

  • from a selected invoice
  • from last invoice
  • from last user issued invoice
  • none


NOTE: the "Notes" fields are never copied from previous invoices; the default data from the warehouse or account settings are always copied.


Using the copy from a selected invoice option, an additional Default invoice window will appear.

Remaining default settings

Enter the Invoice ID number here, not the invoice number from the invoice list.


You can find the Invoice ID in the URL after clicking on the document preview.  It is located after the part of the URL that denotes the invoice name invoices/112173222. The number after the slash is the document ID.

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