
Issuing invoices with the currency exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland

Last updated: 2021-11-09

When issuing invoices in InvoiceOcean, you have the option to choose one of six banks in order to determine the currency conversion at the rate of that bank.

To use currency conversion, for example, according to the exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland:

  • go to Settings> Account settings
  • go to Configuration> Exchange rate options
  • in the field Use this bank’s exchange rates by default select National Bank of Poland
  • click the Save button

bank exchange rate

Then, when issuing an invoice, select the base currency in the Currency field and the currency to which you want to convert the amount on the invoice in the Show converted prices in field (displayed in the See more options tab).
After selecting the second currency, select the bank in the According to the rate field.

bank exchange rate 2

After saving the document, the program will convert the net value, VAT value and gross value into the indicated currency.



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