Maturity date in days
Last updated: 2021-11-09
According to the invoice regulations, the inclusion of the due date on the invoice is optional. InvoiceOcean allows you to automatically set a due date for an invoice sent to clients. You can change it when editing/creating a specific document - here you can read how to do it. See also how to set a default maturity date for a given client. If you enter several available dates, they will appear for selection when editing/creating the document.
According to the regulations, the maturity date in the case of transactions between entrepreneurs cannot exceed 60 days, unless the parties agree otherwise.
To set your own default maturity dates, go to Settings> Account settings> Configuration> Dictionaries> Maturity date in days

According to the regulations, the maturity date in the case of transactions between entrepreneurs cannot exceed 60 days, unless the parties agree otherwise.
To set your own default maturity dates, go to Settings> Account settings> Configuration> Dictionaries> Maturity date in days

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