Client database

Created: 2021-01-29
Last updated: 2021-01-29

In InvoiceOcean you can easily create a client database and manage it efficiently.

To add a Client to the database:

a) go to the Clients tab,

  • press the Add new client button,
  • fill in the Client's Card,
  • fill in additional options as needed by pressing the See more options button

When completing additional data, pay attention to the Kind of client (whether it is our Buyer or Seller) and whether it is a private person or a company.

More information about the type of client can be found here.

  • after completing the data, confirm it with the Save button

b) add a customer from the sales invoice or cost invoice by entering the data in the Buyer/Seller field - this type of Client is automatically added to the database.

When adding a Client to the database from an invoice, enter data carefully, because if you enter incorrect data, the program will add a new Client with this data to the database.

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