Invoice Customization

Resizing the invoice name and invoice number (Default template)

Last updated: 2021-07-15

Note! Please remember that the following changes are visible only on the printout or in the PDF generated from the system.

In order to change any element of the invoice on the printout, go to the Settings> Account settings> Print settings tab, and then at the bottom of the page fill in the field Customize print with CSS  with an appropriate CSS code.

Increasing the size of the name and number of the invoice:

  • Default template: 
    } @media all { 
    .invoice_title strong { font-size: 100px; } 
    .invoice_title span { font-size:100px; 


  • Old and Blue templates:

} @media { 
.invoice_title strong, .invoice_title h1 { font-size: 100px; !important} 

  • Plain Black, Gray, Simple, Sky templates:

} @media { 





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