Reservation document for products in stock

Created: 2021-03-17
Last updated: 2021-11-09

Post view count: 998

In order to issue a Reservation document:

  • go to the Warehouse> Warehouse documents menu
  • select New document
  • select Reservation. Then adjust the individual parameters of the document, such as: Warehouse, Supplier, select the product that is to be included in the Reservation, enter its quantity and net price. By expanding the link to the Purchase prices option, you can also enter the current purchase price on this document.

Reservation products

Reservation is a document similar to the Purchase Order document (PO), with the difference that Reservation reduces the quantity of the product in the warehouse by the reserved goods.
For the Reservation document, as for the PO, you can alternatively issue an invoice or a RG (Release of goods).

Reservation products2

When issuing an Invoice for Reservation, the program deletes the reservation of goods (the goods temporarily return to the warehouse); to the invoice, in turn, you can issue an RG and the program will issue the appropriate amount of goods in the warehouse.

With the Automatic document generation option enabled, you will not notice the moment when the product reservation will delete and then return the product to the warehouse, because in this case the reservation will be changed to an RG.

Reservation products3

The issuing of a warehouse document RG from the Reservation works similarly, the program changes one document into another, taking into account the reserved goods.

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