
Import of documents other than invoices

Last updated: 2024-01-17

If you want to import documents other than invoices, change the name in the Kind column in the file saved on your computer to import (with the extension as below*).

Kind invoice column

For example, if they are to be estimates, and in the document they are saved as an invoice, then in order for the system to save them as estimates, in the Kind column, where you have the word invoice, change it to the word estimate. Save those changes and follow the instructions given below.

Kind invoice column2

For example, if you want to import documents to InvoiceOcean, go to: Settings > Import> New Import.

Data can be imported in the following file types: .XLS, .XLSX (Excel), .ODS (Open Office), .TXT, .CSV , .TSV

Important: the imported data file must be prepared according to the template available on the website, which means that it must contain the same column names and their order as in the example.

Example of column settings when importing clients below (from a CSV file):

No,ID,Short name,Client name,Tax ID,City,Post code,Street,Country,Delivery address,Company,Email,Website,Telephone,Mobile phone,Fax,Forename,Surname,Bank,Account number,Individual bank account,Additional description
1,27,Client1,Company1,123456789,London,,EC2Y 5DN,England,,0,,,783048882,654456789,223334455,John,Smith,123456789,2244455666,,

2,29,Client2,Company2,123456789,Manchester,,M14 5SE,England,Brighton BN1 1YB,1,,,783057782,543908373,113334455,Jane,Smith,123456789,66244455666

Importing from XLS/CSV has a limit of 1000 rows at a time, meaning 1000 items on imported invoices, as each item is a separate row. If the file is larger, it should be split, and multiple imports should be carried out



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