
Separate product database for income and expenses - product type

Last updated: 2023-12-21

In the system you have the possibility to separate products. The product file in the system can be divided into products intended for sale and products intended for purchases.
This option is useful when you do not resell products previously purchased, but process or split a product for components.
In order to specify the type of product, go to the tab Settings> Account settings> Configuration> Products> Separate products for income and expenses.

separate products income expenses

Once the changes are saved, on the product card entered into the system, the Kind of Product option is selected, in which you can select whether the product should only be sold, only purchased or sold and purchased.

separate products income expenses 2

The system does not suggest products marked as "only purchased" in positions on sales invoices, similarly, in the case of products marked as "Sold" when trying to include them in the cost invoice.
The last option, "Sold/Purchased," allows for freely manage the sale and purchase of the product in the system.



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