How to transfer a client database between accounts in InvoiceOcean

Created: 2021-07-05
Last updated: 2021-11-09

Post view count: 881

It often happens that our users have several accounts at InvoiceOcean with different client bases in each of the available sub-accounts. Such client bases may be easily migrated between accounts. Such a migration path looks as follows:


1. Being logged in to an account, go to the Clients tab.

A list of clients on a given account will be displayed.

2. In the upper right corner, click the icon with a gear wheel, expand the list and select Export to XLS.

Client base switch

NOTE!!! To the export of the client database we have added the following columns: Delivery address and whether the client is a Company or a Private person.
In the second column, the binary system applies.

Client base switch 2

3. When the report is generated, use the Download button, then save the xls file which looks like "name-clients-1234567890.xls" in any folder.

Client base switch 3

4. Go to the sub-account you want to copy the data to.


5. Then go to Settings> Import and use the option Import clients by selecting the file in xls format, previously saved on disk. This is step 1 of the import.

6. Click the Next… button and wait until the program will download the data from the import file.


7. Using the Review the data and import option, move to the 2nd step of import. A window will appear containing client data in columns with appropriate headings. Make sure that the right data is assigned to the right columns. Usually, you have to change it manually. Also, uncheck the first row that contains only column names.

Client base switch 4

8. Use the Import data button. The program will precautionarily ask Are you sure? Click Ok.

To check if the data has been imported correctly, go to Settings> Import and next to a properly imported file you can click Show and the program will show you the imported data.

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