Invoice settings
Filter the list of invoices by date of sale
Last updated: 2021-11-09
On the invoice list in the Income/Invoice tab, you have the possibility to use a filter panel that helps with grouping the documents.
One of the most commonly used filters is the Period filter, which contains the following types: last 12 months, this month, last 30 days, last month, this year, last year, current quarter, last quarter, all and more.

By selecting more… you have the ability to manually set the date range in which the invoices are to be filtered and the type of filtering date.
You can choose if you want to filter invoices by date of issue, date of sale or date of payment on the invoice.

One of the most commonly used filters is the Period filter, which contains the following types: last 12 months, this month, last 30 days, last month, this year, last year, current quarter, last quarter, all and more.

By selecting more… you have the ability to manually set the date range in which the invoices are to be filtered and the type of filtering date.
You can choose if you want to filter invoices by date of issue, date of sale or date of payment on the invoice.

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