
Stocktaking of products in the warehouse

Last updated: 2021-11-09

In InvoiceOcean you can issue an “Stocktaking” document, which automatically counts the current warehouse quantity. It also allows you to adjust the warehouse quantity to the so-called physical inventory.

To issue the stocktaking document, go to Warehouse> Warehouse documents> Add new document and select Stocktaking in the Kind tab.


In the Warehouse column on the stocktaking document form, define for which warehouse the inventory will be performed.

In the Currency column, define the currency of the products that are to be taken into account from a given warehouse during the stocktaking.

The Issue date column specifies the cut-off date up to which you want to count the stock of a given warehouse, from the beginning of activation of this warehouse.

The option of checking the Skip disabled products box is also important. It allows you to omit deleted products that have the status of inactive products in the stocktaking document. More information about inactive products can be found here.

After clicking the Save button, the program starts counting the stocks and generating the stocktaking document.


After the system has completed the entire operation, click the Completed button.


The program will show you the finished stocktaking document including: Product quantity, Correction, net purchase price, net value, VAT tax, Gross value. The summary of the document will show the amount ​​of the calculated warehouse.

The above image intentionally shows an example with negative quantity of some products, to draw attention to the option of selling products that are not in stock, which means that we have issued more RG documents than AG documents for a given product (this happens if you do not check the option “Do not allow to sell products that are not in stores” in the Settings> Account settings> Configuration> Products tab.

Note!!! Even if at the time of the stocktaking, it turns out that not all sales invoices have previously been issued with warehouse documents, InvoiceOcean will take into account the quantities of the product that have been sold without warehouse documents when counting the inventory.
This operation of the system is caused by the adjustment to the process of the purchase and sale transaction: sales documented by a sales invoice, for which the goods are physically issued, should result in a reduction in the availability of the goods in the warehouse.

What if you also have at disposal the so-called “physical stocktaking”, i.e. manually calculated inventory for given products?

At this point you can enter the current state of the product into the stocktaking document by editing it using the Edit button.

A form will appear where you can change the quantity field in each of the products.


The entered data will be visible after saving the changes in the Correction tab.


The stocktaking record is treated as a temporary record. The stocktaking can be edited at any time and further corrections can be made.

This is useful when you have a lot of products in the warehouse and at a given moment (in one day) you have not managed to do the entire physical stocktaking. You can go back to the document, edit it and finish the work.

However, it is different with the option of final approval of the stocktaking document.

Inventory confirmation    

We have added a ‘Confirm inventory’ option in the system, thanks to which you can save the final form of the document, once you are sure that you do not want to make any further corrections.
The button is available in the preview of a temporarily saved document.


There is also information about the current status of the document: The inventory document was not confirmed. In this case, you can re-edit the document and change the quantity.

After clicking the Confirm inventory button, the program will start the final recording of the stocktaking.


After clicking the Completed button, the stocktaking is now closed. When you would like to edit the document and apply changes, the program will show you the message The inventory is closed and will block the possibility of editing the number of products.


The ‘Confirm inventory’ button is also available from the edition panel of the document.


Printing the stocktaking document

You can print the stocktaking document with both the purchase prices and the selling prices. It is also possible to hide prices.

Simply use the pop-up menu above the saved stocktaking document, more precisely the option Print> Print with selling prices / Print with purchase prices / Print without price.

Another important feature is the option of Print without zero quantities, when the given products, for example, have not been sold for a long time and you do not want them to be included in the inventory.


It may happen that, without the ‘Warehouse Management’ option enabled, you have already generated several invoices, and after enabling the mentioned option, you want to generate a stocktaking document at the end of the year. What will happen then to products sold on invoices without a chosen warehouse?

At the time of generating the stocktaking, the program will inform you that not all invoices are assigned to the warehouse.


After selecting the warehouse and clicking the Assign a warehouse button, the program will allow you to redo the stocktaking document.

Zero quantities on the warehouse summary for the stocktaking document

When you create a summary of warehouse documents in the Warehouses> Warehouse documents tab, it may happen that zeros appear in the quantity and total net columns for the stocktaking document.


These are not the values ​​of what the inventory counted in the warehouse, e.g. at the end of the year. The zeros indicate that there were no changes introduced by you when generating this inventory. That is, there was no re-editing of the inventory and no execution of the physical inventory. If you made a physical inventory for a given inventory and changed the quantity of products, specific values ​​would appear instead of zeros.

The abovementioned inventory is a quantitative inventory of the warehouse, the sale or purchase prices for this inventory are taken from the product card, not from the warehouse documents.

For the cost inventory in the program, a report called Cost inventory is used.



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