
Cost inventory report

Last updated: 2024-02-20

In the system, you can create a Cost inventory report. This type of inventory shows us the quantity of a product that we currently have in stock, broken down by individual received batches of this product according to the net purchase price. The Cost Inventory also indicates all warehouse actions related to a particular product in a specific warehouse.

If you are interested in a report that shows the net purchase price, net purchase value, gross purchase value, and quantity of the product available in the warehouse with the possibility of making adjustments, use the quantitative stocktaking.

How to create a cost inventory for the warehouse?

To create a Cost Inventory report for the warehouse:

  1. Go to the Reports tab.
  2. Select Reports List.
  3. Navigate to the Warehouses section.
  4. Choose Cost Inventory from the available options.

This will generate the Cost Inventory report for the selected warehouse.


This type of inventory shows us the quantity of the product we currently have in the warehouse, broken down into individual received batches of this product according to the net purchase price.

We present the operation of the report and the correct interpretation of such an inventory on the example below:

  1. Report operation
  • Once we have selected the Cost inventory report, we need to choose the date by which the program should count the stock and the Warehouse for which we want to perform the inventory.
  • Then we click on Generate report.

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The inventory lists the following data:

  • product,
  • product code,
  • net purchase price (which is sorted from the highest price),
  • quantity of products currently in stock with a summary,
  • Total - summary of the quantity and stock value of each product,
  • SUM - a summary of the quantity and stock value of all products in stock.

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2. Interpretation of the report

Let's analyze the first product, Product 1.
In the inventory, we can see how many units of the product we have left in the warehouse and at what price these products were purchased.

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In this inventory, the program also takes into account the sale of the product and the reduction in the quantity of the product based on issued RG documents. In the summary of warehouse documents for this product, we see that the remaining quantity in the warehouse is the same as in the report.

Additionally, we can easily notice that the program took into account the WZ1 document, subtracting the amount of the product from the RG (-12 items) from the amount of the product on PZ5 (20 items.). Therefore, according to the FIFO method, the inventory shows that there are 8 items left of the product  entered to the warehouse first. 

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Note!!! If a product is added via a cost invoice and an AG document is not attached to it, and there are no other AG documents related to the product in the system, the given product will not appear in the inventory report.

Prices on the inventory report are taken from subsequent AG documents. If the prices are not specified on the AG, the program will show the purchase prices of the product.



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