
Purchase/selling prices of products on warehouse documents

Last updated: 2023-11-28

If you use the warehouse management module within your account, you have the ability to influence the purchase and sale prices of goods through warehouse documents. In this document, you will learn about the impact of warehouse documents on product or service prices.

When manually creating a Acceptance of goods (AG) warehouse document:

  • The purchase price will be read from the product card if it is filled in, or it can be manually modified and filled in.
  • The selling price will be read from the product card if it is filled in, or it can be manually modified and filled in.

When manually creating a Release of goods (RG) warehouse document:

  • The purchase price will be associated with the FIFO (First In, First Out) method with the AG document, and according to the order of issue, it will be read from the AG; if the goods issued come from different receipts, the system will indicate different purchase prices on the RG.
  • The selling price will be read from the product card if it is filled in, or it can be manually modified and filled in.

When creating a warehouse document based on a sales invoice:

  • The purchase price will be retrieved according to FIFO based on the AG document, and in warehouse operations, for a given product, information from which AG document the goods were taken will be visible.
  • The selling price will be retrieved from the sales invoice.

When creating a warehouse document based on a purchase invoice:

  • The purchase price will be retrieved from the purchase invoice.
  • The selling price will be retrieved from the product card.

Purchase/Selling Prices on Warehouse Documents

The system provides an option to print a warehouse documents with purchase prices or selling prices.

To change the display of prices, follow these steps:

1. Go to the preview of the warehouse document.
2. From the context menu, select the Print option


3. By default, the system indicates the purchase prices of products on warehouse documents. To display selling prices from the available list, you need to choose the Print with Selling Prices option (analogously, if selling prices are displayed, the Print Purchase Prices option will be available)

4. In the system, you can also activate the Selling prices on RG documents by deafult. This option is available by navigating to the Settings > Account settings > Configuration > Warehouse tab.

For the Selling prices on RG by default option, check the checkbox and save the changes. You can find a detailed description of this feature in this article



After creating a warehouse document, you can manually change selling or purchase prices or enable the option for automatic purchase price updates based on Acceptance of goods documents (AG).

Check also:
How to automatically generate Release (RG) and Acceptance (AG) documents for invoices added to the system?




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