Invoices and documents

The issue date in the invoice form

Last updated: 2023-12-08

The issue date, alongside the document number, is a fundamental element of a correctly issued invoice. It is assigned by the system automatically, in line with the invoice creation date, but can also be edited and set manually. In this post, you will learn where in the document creation form the issue date field is available, what impact it has, and how to manually change this date.

Issue date in the invoice form:

The Issue Date field is located at the top of the form when creating a new document. The system automatically fills it based on the date when the invoice is created. At the moment of adding the document to the account, the Issue Date field is already automatically populated.

The issue date affects the number assigned to the document.

If you use monthly numbering and, for example, you created an invoice in October, and then edit the document and change its issue date to another month, the system will automatically change the document number as well. In a situation where the numbering of documents in a given month is disrupted, it is worth checking whether the document has been edited and is available in the system under a different number.

You can check the creation and editing of documents as part of your activities. Learn how to check activities on your account.

How to change the issue date of a document?

You can change the issue date manually. Just during the creation or editing of the document, click on the 'Issue Date' field. The system will display a calendar, allowing you to choose the date that should appear on the document.

Changing the issue date also affects the change in the sales date. However, the sales date does not have to be the same as the issue date. To change the sales date, just like in the case of the issue date, click on the dedicated field and choose the year, month, and day using the displayed calendar.

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