Invoices and documents

The default type of the issued document

Last updated: 2024-01-22

Within the account settings, you can specify default settings for documents. The system allows you to define the default currency, language, and tax rate. Additionally, you can also determine the type of document the system should issue if you don't use the option to create a specific type of invoice. After selecting the default invoice, the system will always use the chosen document type specified in the account settings. In this entry, you will learn how to set the default type of the issued documents.

To choose the default type of invoice:

  1. Go to the Settings > Account settings > Configuration > Invoices and documents.
  2. In the Default invoice field, select one of the available options (the choices will depend on the active documents in the Additional documents to issue section)


3. Confirm the changes by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page.

If you issue a document through Income > Add new invoice, the system will read the document type set as the default invoice in the Type field. For a newly created account, the default invoice is set to Invoice. This setting also works for expenses.


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