
What variables can be used when sending documents via email?

Last updated: 2024-01-26

As part of the email document sending configuration, there is the possibility to customize the content of the message according to your own needs, meaning you can include information that is essential for you as a user. The sent message can be configured based on variables available in the system.

You can set the content of the sent message in Settings > Account Settings > Invoice sending for general account settings. If you want to set the message content for a specific department, go to Settings > Company/department > click the gear icon next to the department and choose Edit > check the box for Separate configuration for documents sent via email. Detailed information on sending documents via email is described here.

After selecting the option own email template, the content field will become editable.

You can customize the message content using variables, and their one-time use allows for automatic retrieval of data from the system with each subsequent sending. You create a universal message template once, incorporating variable names, and with each subsequent sending, the system loads specific data relevant to the document or client.

The list of variables you can use will be indicated by the system when you click on the blue Help button, which you'll find under the content field.

Some of the most commonly used variables include:

{{document_type}} - document type;
{{number}} - document number;
{{total_price_gross}} - total gross price;
{{total_price_net}} - total net price;
{{view_link}} - preview link;
{{view_url}} - URL address;
{{payment_url}} - payment address;
{{payment_link}} - payment link.

For example: The email message template saved in the system with the specified variables is what you see.

Content seen by the Client after sending an email with an invoice

In addition to variables commonly used by InvoiceOcean users, you can also make use of a wide range of more detailed variables. Everything depends on the relevant information you want to include in the sent message.

Remember, the visibility of available variables depends on the settings of your account.

To check if a specific variable that displays the value you are interested in is available on the list, use the contextual search option, which will be accessible by using the CTRL + F.

Also check: : Sending warehouse documents via email




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