Invoices and documents

Buyer's data on the invoice

Last updated: 2024-07-11

An invoice is a confirmation of the transaction between the Seller of goods or services and their Buyer. Buyer's data are a fundamental element of a properly created invoice. The Buyer can be both a private individual and a company. From this entry, you will learn where to complete Buyer's data in the document creation form and how to find a contractor from the customer database of your account

Buyer's data on the invoice

The invoice creation form contains two sections: the selling side, labeled as Seller, and the buying side, labeled as Buyer.

In the Buyer section, provide your client's data.

You can choose whether the client is a company or an individual by checking the designated checkbox. The fields to be filled in will differ slightly. For example, in the case of a company, an additional field for providing the Tax ID number (VAT) will appear, and for a private individual, fields for Buyer's first Name and Buyer's last name will appear.

How to search for a client in the client's database?

If the client is already added to the database on the account, you can add them in the form using the search function. Just type the first 3 letters in the Buyer field or Buyer's first Name field, and the system will suggest the most relevant records. Simply click on the client's name, and the data from the client's card will be automatically retrieved.

The search option works the same way for both individual buyers and companies.


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