
New department in InvoiceOcean

Last updated: 2021-11-09

To add a new department in InvoiceOcean: 

  • go to Settings > Company / department
  • click on the Add new department button


When is it worth adding a new company department? 

  • The company’s department can be both an independent branch, as well as a separate part of the company which we want to report separately. After adding several departments, you have the option of generating summary reports or reports broken down into individual departments

  • If you want your employees to have access to a selected part of the company, you have the option of granting them access only to the selected department.

  • The company’s departments are also a way of issuing invoices by the company's sub-divisions in the case of keeping separate invoice numbering. In this case, you have the option of adding several company departments and defining a separate invoice numbering scheme for each department.

  • If you use several bank accounts (for example, you sell in multiple currencies), you have the option of adding several departments that will differ only in the short name and account number. This will make it easier to select the correct account number when adding a new invoice.

Click and see how the multiple departments option differs from the multiple companies option.



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