Blocking the product release through the RG warehouse document

Created: 2020-11-20
Last updated: 2021-11-09

In the system, it is possible to limit the stock release of the product in the RG warehouse document when you do not have a sufficient quantity in stock to sell.
To activate this option, go to Settings> Account settings> Configuration> Products and mark the checkbox Do not allow issuing a warehouse document for products that are not in storage.

blocking RG

Note!!! This option will work correctly when you select the checkbox Quantitative restrictions (warehouse) on the product card. 

In the case of issuing an invoice using API, the function of blocking product sales is not active. A good example are the shop platforms that integrate with InvoiceOcean via API. Due to the lack of limitations, the stock levels in both InvoiceOcean and the shop platforms should be recorded separately.

The option that allows you to introduce a similar restriction when issuing invoices can be found here.

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