Invoice Customization

Seller’s additional name and correspondence address

Last updated: 2024-02-13

In the seller's details on the invoice, you can also provide a different mailing address or add another issuer to the document. The value displayed as additional on the seller's side can be specified within the account settings. In this post, you will learn where to activate the display of the mailing address or issuer details on the seller's side, and how to set your own name for this field.

Name displayed on the invoice instead of 'Issuer' (Seller)

To add a different mailing address in the Seller's details:

1. Go to the invoice creation form,
2. In the Seller section, click the Edit button to enable data editing

3. Check the checkbox next to the Add additional issuer (Invoice Issuer) option, and then fill in the Issuer field,

4. Complete the remaining data on the invoice and confirm the document creation by clicking Save.

How to change the default name of the Issuer field?

To change the default name of the Issuer field:

1. Go to the Settings > Account Settings > Print settings,
2. Click on the field Name displayed on the Invoice additional address label (Seller),
3. From the list, choose the more option and enter your own name for this field,

4. Confirm the changes by clicking Save at the bottom of the page.

Also, check:
Name displayed on the invoice instead of Invoice recipient on the Buyer's side
How to change the seller's details on the invoice?
Invoice issuer, seller - custom name for invoice issuer




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