Invoices and documents

Identification numbers

Last updated: 2024-02-07

The identification number is a number that allows you to identify an entity based on registration data in the county in which you run a business. Such a number is used by default in the InvoiceOcean system. There are situations where, when entering your own or your contractor's data, you need to provide a different identification number.

How can this be done?

In the Identification Numbers field, you can add a category (name) for the required identification number, such as VAT ID, PESEL (Polish Personal Identification Number), Steuer-Nr or USt.-Id.-Nr (German VAT Identification Number), Company Number, or any other number appropriate for the country in which you or your contractor operate. See also how to change the identification number for a specific seller or buyer.

You can add new types of identification numbers in Settings > Account Settings > Configuration > Dictionaries > Identification Numbers.

Id numbers



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