
Two-step authentication - Google Authenticator application - guarantee of safe use of InvoiceOcean

Last updated: 2023-11-27

InvoiceOcean gives Users the possibility to activate two-factor authentication (two-step verification) via Google Authenticator app. This is definitely a safer way to log in - instead of only one step of authentication (such as entering a password), two steps are required - in this case, entering the verification code generated by Google Authenticator app when logging in to your account in InvoiceOcean.

More about two-step verification and its second type you can read in the post Security in InvoiceOcean with two types of two-step verification and choose the one that works best for you.

To use the second type of two-step login and connect your account with Google Authenticator:

  • install the Google Authenticator app on your mobile device

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  • go to the tab with your login name next to the Settings menu 
  • select My account 
  • press the Edit Profile / Change password button

  • press the Edit button

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  • select the Active (email) option
  • press the Save button

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  • scan the generated QR code with the application or enter the code you received in the gray field 
  • enter the code that will appear in your application in the section Input the verification code generated in the app
  • press the Save button

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From that moment during each login, you will be required to enter the verification code available in your application. It expires each time you press the VERIFY CODE button, and a new one immediately appears in its place, which guarantee the secure use of InvoiceOcean.

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To turn off the two-stage verification:
  • go to the tab with your login name next to the Settings menu
  • select My account
  • press the Edit Profile / Change password button
  • press the Edit button
  • select the Disabled option
  •  press the Save button



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