Invoice settings
Numbering of invoices on the expenses side
Last updated: 2021-11-09
Users of InvoiceOcean using invoices on the expenses side often have questions about numbering of these documents.
The questions concern, for example, automatic numbering of expenses.
Automatic numbering of documents in the system is possible for correction notes. In the case of other types of documents, the numbering is not possible, because when you receive a cost invoice from the client, it already has a given invoice number which should be recreated by adding the invoice to expenses in the system.
What happens when cost invoices entered by you from different clients have the same document number (your clients use identical numbering)?
Such invoices can be entered into the system.

When saving the next invoice from another client, the program displays a temporary message with the same numbering.

What happens in case of an obvious mistake when both the invoice number and the client are the same?
The program will let you save such a document.

However, when you enter a preview of each invoice, as well as in the case of saving a duplicate invoice, a warning message will be displayed.

The questions concern, for example, automatic numbering of expenses.
Automatic numbering of documents in the system is possible for correction notes. In the case of other types of documents, the numbering is not possible, because when you receive a cost invoice from the client, it already has a given invoice number which should be recreated by adding the invoice to expenses in the system.
What happens when cost invoices entered by you from different clients have the same document number (your clients use identical numbering)?
Such invoices can be entered into the system.

When saving the next invoice from another client, the program displays a temporary message with the same numbering.

What happens in case of an obvious mistake when both the invoice number and the client are the same?
The program will let you save such a document.

However, when you enter a preview of each invoice, as well as in the case of saving a duplicate invoice, a warning message will be displayed.

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