Invoice Customization

Different name and delivery address (Addressee)

Last updated: 2023-12-20

In InvoiceOcean, there is an option to add an additional delivery address, which will appear on invoices and in the customer database. This feature is particularly useful when it is necessary to send an invoice by mail, and the delivery address is different from the one provided in the buyer's invoice details. In this article, you will learn where to add a different delivery address and how to change its name as displayed on the invoice.

Different delivery address (Addressee)

To add a different delivery address (Addressee):
  1. Go to the invoice creation form,
  2. In the Buyer section, click on the more section below the Country field to expand additional options,
  3. Check the checkbox next to the option Delivery address (Addressee), 
  4. Fill in the recipient's details in the Addressee field appropriately.
  5. Complete the remaining details on the invoice and confirm the creation of the document by clicking Save. 

Other adress

6. The information provided in the Addressee field will automatically be assigned in the customer's profile.


How to change the default name of the Addressee field?

  1. Go to the Settings > Account settings > Print settings
  2. Click on the field Invoice recipient label 
  3. From the list, choose the option more and enter your own name for this field

4. Confirm the changes by clicking Save at the bottom of the page



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