
How to create a new warehouse?

Last updated: 2024-08-12

By using the warehouse management feature in InvoiceOcean, you can create multiple warehouses. The number of warehouses you can create depends on the subscription plan active on your account. With the Professional plan, you can add up to 3 warehouses. With the Enterprise plan, this option is unlimited. This post will show you how to create a new warehouse.

How to create a new warehouse?


If you have activated warehouse management in your account settings, you can create a new warehouse.

To add a warehouse:

1. Go to the Warehouse tab > Warehouses;
2. Click the New Warehouse button on the left side;
3. Fill in the fields in the form (their descriptions can be found below)
4. Confirm the creation of the warehouse by clicking the Save button.

Fields available when creating a warehouse:


In the warehouse creation form, the following fields will appear:

  • Name: provide a name for the new warehouse;
  • Description: here you can include additional information about the warehouse or its description; this is an internal note visible only within the warehouse preview;
  • Kind: specify the type of the warehouse being created; choose from the available options: normal, main, manufacturer (only one warehouse can be assigned the main kind).

The created warehouse will appear on the list of warehouses. From the list, by clicking the gear icon, you can:

  • Show the stock levels of products in that warehouse;
  • Edit the warehouse;
  • Prepare an inventory document; 
  • Deactivate or activate the warehouse;
  • Delete the warehouse.

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