Warehouse activation and management
Last updated: 2021-11-09

After enabling this option, a new tab – Warehouse - will appear in the menu instead of the Products tab, with subcategories:
- Products,
- Warehouse documents,
- Warehouses,
- Receiption,
- Release.

Using the last two options, you can quickly issue AG and RG documents.
The warehouse documents that are available after the warehouse activation are:

After activating the warehouse, the changes will be visible on the product card. The following categories will appear in each product:
- Available amount / number,
- Number sold,
- Available quantity.
Adding a new product to the warehouse takes place in two steps.
Step 1. Defining the product.
Step 2. Adding its quantity to the stock using the documents: AG, II.
You can also add products to the system from the level of purchase and sales invoices.
From now on, when creating an invoice, you can specify from which warehouse the products listed on the invoice are to be collected.
Product quantity available in stock displayed on the invoice
If you want the available stock to be visible when issuing an invoice in the system, you must impose a storage limit, the so-called Quantitative restrictions (warehouse) of a given product. To impose a stock limit, go to Products.
When creating a new product or editing an existing one, at the bottom of the form, expand See more options and select Quantitative restrictions (warehouse), and then save the changes at the bottom of the page.
When choosing a product for an invoice, the quantity in square brackets is available for sale.
This does not mean that the limit indicated in brackets cannot be exceeded. The system allows you to sell any quantity of the product until you impose another restriction. It is a limitation of the possibility of calling and selling a product on an invoice when there is NO sufficient quantity in your warehouse that you want to sell.
To activate this option, go to Settings> Account settings> Configuration> Products and check the box: Do not allow to sell products that are not in storage/Do not allow issuing a warehouse document for products that are not in storage.
The option that allows you to introduce a similar limitation when issuing only the RG warehouse documents causing the release from the warehouse can be found here.
In the case of issuing an invoice using API, the function of blocking product sales is not active. A good example are the shop platforms that integrate with InvoiceOcean via API. Due to the lack of limitations, the stock levels in both InvoiceOcean and the shop platforms should be recorded separately.
Having configured restrictions on the sale and release of products from the warehouse, you can partially automate the process of migration of goods in the warehouse. More information can be found here.
Note: What if you enable the warehouse, and you have previously sold products and had their quantity in stock in the Available quantity field? Description of this function can be found here.
2017-02-07 09:04
could you please send me some more details regarding your issue?
Michał Borkowski
Michał Borkowski
e-mail: michal.borkowski@fakturownia.pl
2017-02-07 11:01
2019-12-21 13:49
2019-12-21 13:50
2020-01-02 15:09
please go to Settings > Account settings > Configuration > Products > mark the checkbox ' Do not allow issuing a warehouse document for products that are not in storage' > Save,
Kind regards,
2020-01-14 17:11
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