
List of unpaid invoices

Last updated: 2024-02-21

In InvoiceOcean it is possible to control the payments for issued sales invoices in various ways.
The list of available methods of controlling payments can be found here.

However, if you want to have quick access to the documents which have not yet been paid by our clients, you can use the List of unpaid invoices report.
This report can be found under Reports > Reports list > Finances > List of unpaid invoices.


Using this report, you can:

  • view unpaid invoices for the selected period,
  • check the number of days in arrears,
  • check the number of reminders sent for overdue payments.
Report configuration options:

As with any system report, the system allows you to narrow your search using various basic filters, such as:
  • Date from and Date to - the period for which you want to check arrears,
  • Department - entity(ies), especially in the case of multiple departments,
  • Income/Outcome - type of selected documents on the income or expenses side.
After clicking the phrase more options, you can customize your report using additional filters:
  • Categories - a possibility of choosing the categories to which the given income/expense is assigned; 
  • Document type - a type of document that you want to include in the report. You can choose all accounting documents or limit the search to e. g. VAT invoices or prepayment invoices;
  • Status - for report, you can choose an invoice only with a specific document status;
  • User - if you have more than one user in the system who generates documents, you can generate a report for each user separately;
  • Buyer country - when the country of origin is specified on the Client card, you can generate a list of revenues for contractors from a given country;
  • Currency – with the Currency field you can choose for reports for documents issued in a given currency or select the option Any (with conversion to USD) when the USD is the currency of the entire account;
  • Client - you can generate a revenue report, taking into account only one Client. In the heading, start entering the client’s name and choose from the ones suggested by the program;
  • Show invoices paid after the chosen period.

The report can work in two ways:

1) Debt within a specified period - by checking the box: “Show invoices paid after the chosen time period” you generate a report containing the list of unpaid invoices in the selected period – “Date from”, “Date to”.  This solution is very useful if you want to verify whether the arrears falling on the selected period were paid at that time.

NOTE: Above we present an example of a report generated on 06/07/2021, relating to invoices created between 01/06/2021 and 01/07/2021, but with a statement of outstanding payments as of 01/07/2021.

2) Real time debt - the report contains a list of unpaid invoices as of the date of generating this report for a given period, which we mark in fields: Date from/Date to.


NOTE: Above we present an example of a report generated on 06.07.2021, relating to invoices created between 01/06/2021 and 01/07/2021, with a summary of outstanding payments as of 06.07.2021, where out of three documents, two have already been paid. 

The report can be printed (Print) or downloaded to an xls file (Export to XLS).



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