Invoices and documents

Recurring invoices - send notifications for issued invoices

Last updated: 2024-04-17

Recurring invoices are automatically issued according to the settings of the created cycle. The system provides the option to send email notifications about the issuance of a new recurring invoice. This option is enabled by default for each newly created cycle. In this article, you will learn where in the cycle settings you can find the option to send notifications.

Recurring invoices - send notifications for issued invoices

To disable or enable notification sending:

  1. Go to Income > Recurring Invoices > New Recurring Invoice to create a new cycle,
  2. choose whether the cycle should be created based on another document or according to your own definition,
  3. the Send notifications checkbox is selected by default, if notifications are not to be sent by the system, uncheck the checkbox.

4. Specify the remaining settings and confirm the creation of the cycle by clicking Save.

The notification message sent by the system contains information about the date of issuance of the recurring invoice, the number of the issued document along with information about the buyer. In addition, the message contains a link that directs to the panel where invoices are issued.

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