
Reports in

Last updated: 2024-02-20

Reports in the system are divided into two types.
These are Charts and Reports List.

In the Charts tab, individual reports are displayed in the form of bar graph that contain appropriate data downloaded from the system. 
The charts include reports such as: 
In the Reports list tab, you can find an extensive database of reports divided into thematic sections relating to various aspects of the system such as sales, costs, warehouses, products, clients and others. 
The list of reports is divided into:

1) Finances 2) Products
  • Products: sales. This report shows the sales during the selected period.
  • Products: purchaseThis report shows the purchased products within the selected period based on purchase invoices (in the Expenses tab)
  • Products: marginThis report shows the profit. Margin reports are calculated based on different criteria, as indicated in the report list.
  • Products: Margin based on invoices
  • Income and expense categories (product categories)
3) Warehouses
  • Summary of warehouse actions
  • Cost inventory
  • Inventory based on warehouse documents. This report shows how much of a given product has arrived and departed during a specified period, what the initial and final quantities were, and takes into account quantity changes
  • Product quantity and value statementThis report shows the quantity and value of products at the time of report generation, in sales prices.
  • Product quantity and value statement in a specific time frameThis report is similar to the Summary of product quantities based on warehouse documents, but additionally shows values in purchase prices.
  • FIFO inventory statement
  • Margin. The report shows the difference between sales and purchase prices. You need to go to Reports > Reports List to see the basis on which each report calculates profit.
4) Clients 5) Accounting
  • Registry of VAT sales. This report shows the list of invoices broken down by amounts at various VAT rates
  • Registry of VAT purchases. This report shows the list of purchase invoices broken down by individual VAT rates
6) Cash



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