
Custom roles - access to warehouse documents

Last updated: 2024-02-29

Within the system, you can assign specific roles to email addresses added as users to the account. The program also allows for the creation of custom roles, where you decide which options within the account a user has access to. In this article, you will learn how to grant access to warehouse documents by creating a custom role.

Custom roles - access to warehouse documents

To grant access to warehouse documents within the privileges:

.1. Go to Settings > Users and select Roles from the panel on the left side

2. In the next step, use the Add new role button

3. Fill in the Role Name field,
4. In the Privileges section, check the checkboxes next to the options that the user should have access to,
5. To grant access to warehouse documents, check the checkbox next to the option Warehouse Documents.

6. Confirm the creation of the new role by clicking Save at the bottom of the page and assign the role to the selected email address.

Within the role, where the warehouse documents privilege is active, the user will have:

  • Access to view the list of documents,
  • Ability to create and edit them.

Note! If a person creating income and expense documents on the account does not have access to warehouse documents, but the automatic issuance of acceptance and release of documents is enabled on the account, these documents will be issued by the system.

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