
Custom roles - access to price lists

Last updated: 2024-02-29

From the Professional subscription plan onwards, you can create price lists within your account, allowing for easy customization of individual prices. By adding a custom role in the system, you can grant users access to preview, create, edit, or delete price lists. Price lists enable setting separate prices for specific clients or client groups. In this guide, you will learn how to grant access to the Price Lists feature within your account.

Custom roles - access to price lists

To grant access to price lists within privileges:

1. Go to Settings > Users and select Roles from the panel on the left side,

2. In the next step, use the Add new role button, 

3. Fill in the field Role Name,
4. in the Privileges section, check the checkboxes for the options to which the user should have access.
5. To grant access to the Price lists tab, check the checkbox next to the Price lists option


6. Confirm the creation of the new role by clicking Save at the bottom of the page and assign the role to the chosen email address.

A person with access to the "Price lists" tab will be able to create new price lists, edit, and delete those already created


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