Custom roles - access to documents and their management
Last updated: 2024-02-29
Creating a custom role allows you to specify which documents or privileges the selected user will have access to. During the configuration of a new role, you can grant access to the documents issued on the account. You also have the option to restrict access to certain features such as invoice deletion. In this post, you will learn where to set the scope of access to documents and their management for the new role.
Custom roles - access to documents and their management
To grant access to documents and their management within privileges:
1. Go to Settings > Users tab and choose Roles from the left panel,
2. In the next step, use the Add new role button,

3. Fill in the field Role name,
4. in the Privileges section, check the checkboxes for the options to which the user should have access,
5. to grant access to invoices and their management, check the checkbox next to Invoices as well as those options related to documents to which the user should have access to.
6. Confirm the creation of the new role by clicking Save at the bottom of the page and assign the role to the chosen email address.
What privileges does selecting each option provide?
Invoices - this checkbox should be checked before granting access to one of the following privileges:
- Accounting Documents - a person with access to accounting documents will have insight into and the ability to manage accounting documents created within the account,
- Non-Accounting Documents - a person with access to non-accounting documents (e.g., proforma, order) will have insight into and the ability to manage these types of documents,
- Income - a person with access to income will have the ability to access the list of income documents, view them, add, edit, delete, and perform other activities related to sales documents,
- Expenses - a person with access to expenses will have the ability to access the list of costs documents, view individual documents, add, edit, delete, and perform other activities related to cost documents.
- List - a person with access to the list of documents will see lists of income documents, however, if during the role creation process the viewing, adding, editing, and/or deleting document privileges are not assigned, they will not be able to perform these activities on the listed documents. Access to the list of documents enables searching and filtering of documents, as well as changing the status of invoices and the ability to export documents.
- Preview - a person with access to this option will have the ability to preview income documents. Without additional privileges for adding, editing, and deleting, they will not be able to create, make changes, or delete them. If such a person does not receive privilege in the document list view, they will only be able to see the document through a direct URL link. The document preview privilege also allows printing the document.
- Creation - a person with access to adding documents will have the ability to create a new income document. If this person is not assigned viewing privilege, at the time of saving the document, they will be redirected to the main page. Without the privilege to edit and/or delete the document, they will also not be able to make changes to the created document or delete it.
- Editing - a person with access to editing documents will have the ability to make changes to the content of income documents. Note: this privilege can be assigned without assigning access to the list and preview of documents! This privilege can be used when editing documents via the API; however, we recommend also selecting access to the list and preview of documents for people who edit documents manually in the system.
- Clearance - a person with access to deleting documents will have the ability to permanently delete income documents. Note: this privilege can be assigned without assigning access to the list and preview of documents! This privilege can be used when deleting documents via the API. We recommend also selecting access to the list and preview of documents for people who delete documents manually in the system.
We also remind you that deleting documents in the system is an irreversible operation.
Also check:
- Custom roles - access to warehouse documents
- Custom roles - access to users
- Custom roles - access to account settings
- Custom roles - access to departments/companies within the account
- Custom roles - access to payments
- Custom roles - access to product database
- Custom roles - access to applications and add-ons
- Custom roles - access to price lists
- Custom roles - access to the promotional codes tab
- Custom roles - access to warehouses
- Custom roles - access to clients
- Custom roles - access to webhooks
- Custom roles - access to recurring invoices
- Custom roles - access to categories
- Custom roles - access to imports
- Custom roles (user privileges) in InvoiceOcean
- Custom roles - access to account activities
- Custom roles - access invoice templates
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