Invoices and documents

The sell date on the issued recurring invoice

Last updated: 2024-04-17

For invoices created by the cycle, you have the ability to configure settings such as intervals for issued invoices, automatic sending to the customer, or document numbering format. Additionally, you also have the option to choose which sell date will appear on the created document. In this post, we will indicate what options regarding the sell date are available for recurring invoices.

Sell date on the issued recurring invoice

To specify which sell date should be visible on the issued recurring invoices:

  1. Go to Income > Recurring Invoices > New Recurring Invoice to create a new cycle,
  2. Choose whether the cycle should be created based on another document or according to your own definition,
  3. in the Sell date field, select one of the available options from the displayed list.
4. Specify the remaining settings and confirm the creation of the cycle by clicking Save.

In the Sell date field, you can choose from the following options:
  • default (issue date),
  • only year and month,
  • last day of the month,
  • "X" day of the previous month,
  • "X" day of the same month,
  • "X" day of the following month.
"X" is a number corresponding to a specific day of the month from 1 to 31. The selected day can be up to one month away from the invoice issuance date.

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